Monday, May 30, 2011

No new art??

So I graduate, and it seems I'm doing nothing?!
Well not really, I have some excuses! (Problably not very goods ones, ha ha)

Two weeks ago I had all four wisdom teeth removed, so I was asleep for a good three days? I'm also in the process of moving, so all my art supplies are packed! Now I know what you'll say, "Hey! You can still sketch!"
Yes, but no scanner! It's already packed and shoved into a scary part of my car that I'm afraid to open (there is so much stuff in my little Matrix).

So I'll be driving the next three days to Little Rock Arkansas with my mom and two cats! Wish me luck!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dragon logo

Something I've been working on for my website

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Times magazine, needle felting illustration

Been working with needle felting to create illustrations lately through my senior independent study. Here is a sample of what I've been doing:

Here is the image with the article, which is mainly speaking about depression

The article came from Times magazine, issue January 17th, 2011